
学术报告 《具有止步的优先权排队:博弈理论分析及二维均衡策略》

活动时间: 活动地点: 发布时间:2019年05月20日 17:28


讲座题目:具有止步的优先权排队:博弈理论分析及二维均衡策略(Priority Queues withBalking: Game-theoretic Analysis and Two-dimensional Equilibrium Strategies)





王金亭,北京交通大学教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才。2000年毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院应用数学所,获“运筹学与控制论”专业博士学位。研究领域为随机运筹(随机服务与运作管理、可靠性理论、供应链优化与管理、排队博弈论等)、应用概率统计。现任中国运筹学会可靠性分会理事长、中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会副理事长、中国运筹学会理事、北京运筹学会副理事长等学术职务。2006年获得教育部霍英东教育基金会第十届高等院校青年教师奖,2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2018年获得詹天佑铁道科学技术奖专项奖。发表学术论文100余篇,包括80余篇SCI检索论文。SCI引用500余次,SCI严格他引400余次,Google Scholar引用计1600余次,出版专著1部(《排队博弈论基础》,科学出版社,独著2016)


In this talk, we consider an M/M/1 queueing system with apay-for-priority option, and study customers' joint decisions between joining/balkingand pay-for-priority. The equilibrium strategies are thus two-dimensional.First, we fully characterize the equilibrium structure and identify thePareto-dominant strategies of such a game analytically, under both theobservable and unobservable settings. Interestingly, the equilibrium structure,the system throughput, and the service provider's optimal price for prioritypremium can all be non-monotone in the service reward, which departs from theexisting models of priority queues without balking. In particular, we find thatan increase in service reward can actually hurt the firm's revenue (everythingelse being equal). Second, we compare the server's revenue between theobservable and the unobservable settings. We find that the service provider isbetter off with the observable setting when the system load is either low orhigh, but benefits more from the unobservable setting when the system load ismedium. The fact that the optimal setting switches twice as the system loadincreases, is rather interesting; we explain the intuitions behind it in thispaper. Finally, we demonstrate the implications of these findings by applyingour model framework to Papa John's Pizza, based on publicly availableinformation. Our analysis suggests that Papa John's could benefit fromproviding customers with wait information while slightly decreasing its fee forPapa Priority.


