
学术报告 《Prosocial Response to Client-Instigated Victimization: The Roles of Forgiveness and Workgroup Conflict》

活动时间: 活动地点: 发布时间:2018年07月06日 15:23

题目:Prosocial Response to Client-Instigated Victimization: The Roles ofForgiveness and Workgroup Conflict(在顾客伤害中做出亲社会应对:宽恕和工作组冲突的作用)




报告人简介:祝磊,加拿大曼尼托巴大学副教授(终身教授)。研究专长:组织行为/人力资源管理。学习和工作经历:加拿大多伦多大学,管理学,金融、经济双专业学士;加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学,管理学博士。美国杜克大学富卡商学院,访问学者。主持课题:2016-2017主持完成加拿大社科基金《The moderating effects of task complexity andrejection frequency on reactions to help rejection》(任务复杂性和排斥频率的调节作用:在抑制排斥的处理中),2017-2018主持完成加拿大社科基金《Monkey see, but won't do: The differential effect of moral identitysymbolization》(上行下“不”效:道德身份象征的差异效应),2018-2023主持在研加拿大社科基金《Moral identity symbolizationin organizations: Mechanisms and consequences》(组织中的道德身份象征:机制与结果)。获奖情况:2014年获美国管理学学会--Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division(组织中的性别和多元性分会)最佳学生论文奖,2015年Associates’ Achievement Award–Research Category。论文发表情况在《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Journal of Business Ethics》、《Social Psychology》、《Social Psychological and Personality Science》、《Cognition》、《Organizational Psychology Review》、《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesof the United States of America》(美国国家科学院院报)等高等级期刊发表论文十多篇,其中第一作者7篇,期刊最高影响因子达到9.66。


We investigate forgiveness as ahuman service employeecoping response to client-instigatedvictimizations and further explore the role of workgroup conflict in 1)facilitating this response, and 2) influencing the relationship betweenvictimization and workplace outcomes. Using the theoretical lens ofConservation of Resources (Hobfoll, 1989), we propose that employees forgiveclients – especially in the context of low workgroup conflict. From low tomoderate levels of client-instigated victimization, we suggest that victimizationand forgiveness are positively related; however, this positive relationshipdoes not prevail when individuals confront egregious levels of victimization(i.e., an inverted-U shape). This curvilinear relationship holds under low butnot under high workgroup conflict. Extending this model to workplace outcomes,findings also demonstrate that the indirect effects ofvictimizationon job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intentions are mediated byforgiveness when workgroup conflict is low. Experiment- and field-based studiesprovide evidence for the theoretical model.



