
学术报告 《Looking for disease diagnostic models from large-scale biomedical data》

活动时间: 活动地点: 发布时间:2017年06月07日 16:00

题目:Lookingfor disease diagnostic models from large-scalebiomedical data(《通过生物医学大数据建立疾病诊断模型》)



报告人:吴浩,1996年获清华大学电机系学士,2010年获约翰霍普金斯大学生物统计学博士。自2010年至今在Emory大学生物统计和生物信息学系任职,现为副教授(终身教职)。吴博士的主要科研方向为高通量基因组数据(包括基因芯片和RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, BS-seq等二代测序数据)的统计方法和计算工具的开发。吴博士作为第一或通讯作者在国际顶级刊物上发表过多篇论文,包括Nature Method, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Nucleic AcidsResearch, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics等。现论文共56篇,总引用量5500多次。 


The rapid developments ofbio-technologies and computational methods have evolutionarized the biomedicalresearch.Theenormous amount of data generated from various high-throughput technologiesprovide unprecedented opportunities for advancing medical practice, however, tomake better sense of the data requires the development of novel statistical/computationalmethods.

Inthis talk, I will briefly introduce two on-going projects in my research groupon constructing disease diagnostic models from large-scale biomedical data. Thefirst one is using cell-free DNA methylation profile for disease prediction;the second one is the development of a CADx (Computer-aided diagnosis) systemfor Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease based on retina image.