题目:CorporateAnnual Report Analysis Under US-GAAP
报告人:Bill Langford
报告人简介:Bill Langford: Collegeinstructor with five years of experience lesson planning, teaching, andinteracting with students. Prior to teaching, was a finance director withinternational and domestic experience in a Fortune 500 company managingfinancial results, resolving accounting issues, analyzing businessopportunities, implementing internal control, and driving alignment. BilingualSpanish English with knowledge of Chinese and Portuguese.
报告摘要:Thislecture is designed to give an overview of United States based annual report. Itwill be three parts in the lecture. The first part will give a few basics: whatis GAAP, and who set US-GAAP. The second part will review the annual report ofa large American company. The third part will focus on current topics, what canwe learn from an annual report.