
Marian Wiercigroch

学术报告 《Resonance Enhanced Drilling: From Fundamental Science to Commercialisation》

活动时间:2020年11月14日(周六) 17:00-18:30 活动地点: 机械馆J3报告厅 发布时间:2020年11月12日 17:02

报告时间:2020年11月14日(周六) 17:00-18:30





Wiercigroch教授是国际著名非线性动力学专家、英国爱丁堡皇家学会院士(Fellow)、波兰科学院技术科学部委员、英国机械工程师协会会士(Fellow)、英国数学与应用协会理事会成员、英国数学与应用协会会士(Fellow)、英国工程与自然科学研究理事会成员、英国阿伯丁大学“六世纪主席”教授、英国阿伯丁大学应用动力学研究中心主任、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences杂志主编(中科院工程技术大类2区, IF=4.631),以及二十多本杂志编委及中国力学学报海外编委。同时也被英国阿伯丁大学及波兰罗茨科技大学授予荣誉博士,俄罗斯彼尔姆国立研究理工大学荣誉教授,美国罗格斯大学极端环境结构研究中心特聘顾问教授、哈尔滨工业大学非线性动力学研究中心特聘顾问教授、阿根廷巴尔塞罗研究所特及巴里洛切原子能研究中心特聘教授。Wiercigroch教授出版专著3本,参编15本著作、发表论文近400篇,常年担任世界各类力学会议主席、分会主席及会议理事会成员;发起或组织数十场国际学术会议。据Google Scholar,论文总引用数逾7035次,h-index为46。他的主要研究方向包括:非线性动力学与控制,具体研究包括:钻探、金属切削,转子系统、水声学、疲劳、再生能源等。


In this talk I will guide the audience through the path of the new drilling technology development. The Resonance Enhanced Drilling (RED) is a new patented downhole drilling technology which has been conceived and developed by the Centre for Applied Dynamics Research at the University of Aberdeen. The RED technology offers unprecedented improvement in progression rates, reduction of cost and much smaller environmental footprint. The fundamental difference between RED and the current methods of a wellbore creation is the generation of a propagating dynamic crack zone ahead of the drill-bit by inducing high frequency axial loading. The focus will be given focus the mathematical modelling and experimental verification of the dynamics effects associated with RED and how to optimise the control parameters to achieve the best progression rates. The RED technology applies an adjustable high frequency dynamic stress in combination with rotary action. The resonance conditions between a drill-bit and drilled formation is maintained for varying drilling conditions by adjusting the frequency and amplitude of the excitation. The lecture will focus on the full scale experimental studies, where over 700% improvement in Rates of Penetration (ROP) when compared to the rotary drilling was achieved.


